let's take a pause

what lies beyond

your edge?

discover ways to uplevel:

edges are scary places.

to transform our lives, we need to take bold steps toward the edge of our comfort zone. but we don't have to walk alone.

at wide open spaces we face edges together, the spaces between where you are and where you want to be.

as you explore this online space, what is a specific edge you are facing now? striving for team cohesion? greater leadership strength? emotional control, confident decision-making, mindful parenting, deeper friendships? a new level of depth in daily connections? 

choose one, for now. 

do you have one in mind? 

great! let’s dive in. explore how wide open spaces can help you create transformative shifts in your relationships. reach your highest potential at home, at work, and in your most expansive life.

how we help
"nasya transformed how we work, but more importantly, how we work together."
Rachel Rosenzweig, Senior Director
Communications and Policy at SoFi
our process
leaders in the field trust wide open spaces
why are you here?

i'm here to transform
my team or community

unleash the potential of your team and community.

for individuals
for teams & communities

transform your holidays and milestones

emerging as a core offering of wide open spaces across our work with individuals and teams, Twisted Rituals are co-created opportunities to transform mundane milestones into guiding lighthouses of rich connection, reflection, and integration.​​​

together, we'll re-imagine new traditions for everything from holiday traditions to unexpected life shifts, infusing them with your values and authentic spirit.

create your own twisted ritual

special offering

words from

epic humans

never in my wildest dreams did I think I could be this strong and resilient- choosing myself and leaning into the unknown which is my biggest fear.


nasya's brand, wide open spaces, is truly suiting to the work she does as I've truly been able to create a space in my life between when something happens and my response.

cory danker


with a decade of facilitation, coaching, and community-building experience, I've learned the beauty of these tools and how to best activate them for each unique individual or team.

My craft has been honed through extensive group facilitation, and over 6 years certified through the International Coaching Federation as an Organization and Relationship Systems Coach. My training is based on Systems Theory, Process Work, Family Systems Therapy, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Quantum Physics, Co-Active Coaching™, and more.

learn more

meet nasya

i believe that wide open spaces aren't just physical expanses like fields or oceans, but can also be the expansive, limitless experiences and connections in life that offer hope and possibility.

nine years ago, i came across an article titled 'falling in love in a wide open space' that helped me see for the first time that wide open spaces don't just exist in the physical world around us, but can also exist in our relationships to our lives, selves, and communities.

i might find a sense of expanse in the feeling of something as simple as a morning cup of coffee, the comforting sound of rain, an act as profound as holding hands with a loved one. My work deeply impacts my life, enabling me to fully express who I am and what aliveness feels like for me.

three edges I'm currently exploring

judaism's limitless magic and how I define wide open spaces within it.
i'm crafting a personal sense of style that harmonizes modesty with vibrant sensuality so I feel liberated and secure.
i'm also creating a deeper bond with my brother that I'm thrilled to reimagine with him.​

this work is truly transformative, and I'm filled with anticipation to share its power with you.​ Welcome to your wide open space.

about nasya

unlock my 3-step guide for tackling challenging choices.

discover our simple technique to make big decisions and walk forward without regret.

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